Transplant Tools & Resources

Quick Reference Guide
Information on what’s new, transplant indications and patient listing criteria, contraindications for transplantation, wait time information, survival statistics, risk factors, average billed charges, and other helpful information needed by health plans, payers, and case managers, in order to successfully manage their patient populations.
Contact one of our Account Executives at 800-599-9119, to request access to the Quick Reference Guide.

Savings Data
INTERLINK provides annual cost reporting to our clients, allowing for better financial planning.
Contact one of our Account Executives at 800-599-9119, to request access to Savings Data.
Transplant Comparison Worksheets
Easily compare multiple transplant programs.
Contact one of our Account Executives at 800-599-9119, to request a comparison on one or more of the following transplant types:
Kidney / Pancreas